Hosted by Ghame.
The Astral Hero
Immerse yourself in the astral world where you expect fierce enemies ready to tear you to shreds!Be careful any wrong move can lead you to death!
The solar system is in danger! Millions of meteorites and alien spaceships from other systems that want to take over the world! Can you stop this invasion? You will save you planet?
Note: Requires social media on VK.
Free ORBITAL or The Astral Hero (Restocked) Discussion: 13
Fuck this. What the fuck is VK? Is it like a russian facebook?
Dude wtf is this? need for last task russian language. fuk da shit!
free cay pls
vk is dumb u need to signup for some c yka site
I got 2 x The Astral Hero
ty <3
🙂 thx (got the astral hero)
I can’t login VK, someone could help me?
Cancel that. Thanks for share 🙂
got it thanks 🙂
please me your namber for code please i.m from romania