Oh I can easily actually critique. For example you defend marveloustrash no matter how ridicilous you become while defending them. And you keep doing it no matter how bad their so called “giveaway” is. Here are some facts for you. But I don’t think you like facts at all 🙂
FREE Random Steam Games! Discussion: 8
Cs go and GTA 5 CD key please…help me….
Job helps you!
im a punkwith a gun (cj voice)
Could we do some kind of exchange? Maybe with dirt or used toilet paper?
Could we swap you out with someone that can actually critique something?
Oh I can easily actually critique. For example you defend marveloustrash no matter how ridicilous you become while defending them. And you keep doing it no matter how bad their so called “giveaway” is. Here are some facts for you. But I don’t think you like facts at all 🙂