Free Random Steam Keys! Discussion: 25

  1. Steam key exchange was working fine for me until 3 days ago. Other than few used keys now and then, I was able to get at least two new games for my collection. And I am sure I must have given atleast 20 game keys.But now, it seems like spammers have hacked the site. They are giving fake keys like: T2ACT-9RAM0-Z9G52. Morons are making this noble idea of exchange redundant.

      1. Initially key exchange was quite non-functional and many users were posting used keys. Later on, the community of honest gamers came in and the situation was improved. Up until recently, the worst thing I got was the message that the key has already been activated by a different account. But in all past four days, all the keys I received were invalid. It seems like a large scale racket.

    1. yeah, if u do it.. you will get an option to exchange the key…but its shitty too. I got some key that is used and then other time i got this shit
      ( HHUDA-4JUFU-RDET9 ) – its not even valid….
      -don’t waste your time like i did, if u want easy useful keys, go to alienware arena..
      F A R E W E L L

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