Minion Masters Discussion: 30

    1. maybe they already have the answer of your question in FAQ and videos section, or maybe the original giveaway sites already offer a complete tutorial regarding the giveaway itself, thats why the moderator refuse to help you with your problem
      just saying man, no offense

      1. @SkylineLUX @Savemyian
        No guys you are just plain stupid or blind. This is a big example of how EMPIRE (Owner) and how Phr3ak3r (Moderator) work –>

        Now phr3ak3r may start banning me because he does not like the truth, but that’s the truth. He is a bad mod who does not care and/or help and feels cool being a mod and copy pasting bot messages like that with the discord server, without helping.

        What if I don’t want to be on Discord. What if I don’t want to bother getting on Discord, but want a straight answer here?

        1. I simply don’t give support here because 1:1 help is quite impossible. I want problems to be solved immediately and not have to wait hours for an answer.

          Please excuse me for referring to Discord but it’s pretty simple to use and it makes you guys able to get your keys in less than 5 minutes…

    1. i had the same problem and solved in 2 seconds, i typed it wrong in my first time like in my country it is DD/MM/YYYY but in this website its; MM/DD/YYYY so remember that and try to type like that if you haven’t.

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