PAYDAY 2 – House Warming Party Hat DLC Item Giveaway Discussion: 53

  1. This is a nice website i’m using it quite a lot to get free games on steam. I wanted to ask if there’s gonna be a giveaway of the alienware alpha mauler for payday 2 in the future. Keep up the good work thanks.

    1. Thank You Very Much for the Compliment. Alienware Arena Just Had a Giveaway for That Last Month. They Usually Have a Few of Them Per Year or So, If We Find a Giveaway for it We Will Post it on the Website. 🙂

  2. really LoL !!!!, not work in Chrome, not work in Firefox, not work in Opera, not work in netscape, not work in Maxton Nitro, not work in Internet Explorer, no work on nothing Please . . . .. . . . . . that post ^^

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