Welcome back! A new giveaway was started. At this time you have a great opportunity to get one of 5000 random Steam keys. There are keys for 6 different cool games in this giveaway: "Trippy Jump", "Elections Simulator 2018", "Connor's Desert Adventure", "Silent Tweets", "30km survival zone: Chernobyl" and "r0t 2". Just complete several easy tasks on social media and you will instantly get a free Steam key.
This giveaway requires an extension to be installed in your browser to check tasks, Discord account and Steam account with level 5+.
Complete all steps to unlock your free Steam key.
Random Games (Steam level 5+ required) Discussion: 24
It’s random giveaway and I have 30km surival zone,just finish all step to unlock key. They just want you guy to join group (steam,discord) and wishlist a game,follow the game and done you have a random steam key
Hi every body !
black desert online freee pls
black desert online freee cok pls
Cómo hago para participar?xd
no ponen datos
ii have error on first task
Idk why but i dont trust this ”GiveAway.su” site.Has someone tried it before? Is it legit?
It worked for me When I had a computer, but I haven’t used it in a while because it’s unavailable for mobile.
I have tried it and it’s legit, they just ask for simple tasks like “Join a Steam group”, “Whishlist a game”, “Join Discord”; among others, but it’s legit
did you win a game
me too, i dont trust because of extension
there are a lot of sites that can verify your task without an extension, i dont know why they want to use that shiny extension and force you to install it. i rather miss a 50 bucks game than install that extension
Exactly. I’m not going to trust a site that requires you to install an extension, no matter what game they’re supposedly giving away. Sounds way too suspicious.
I tried this ,websitei got some keys but after that i deleted the extension and i changed my password everywhere.So yeah it was 2 days ago but nothing wrong happened yet and i hope it will remain like that :))
It’s legit,they just want you to join a steam group,discord sever,wishlist a game..
Its legit alright. But these games are not worth this tasks.