Beast Blaster, Zombie Boom, and Cyborg Detonator Bundle


Giveaway Hosted by Indiegala.

Developed by Zonitron Productions, This is a 3 Game Bundle Pack Containing: Zombie Boom, Cyborg Detonator, and Beast Blaster. All Three Titles Feature: Steam Achievements and Steam Trading Cards. These are Only Available in Single-player Mode. Check Them Out and Perhaps One May Surprise You. Happy Gaming!


1. Make sure your Steam Profile is Public!

2. Click Here to Join the IndieGala Main Steam Group

3. Make sure you log into (or register) your IndieGala Account and Connect your Steam Profile.

4. Click "Claim Free Copy" and follow the next step to find your Steam Key!

The key gets sent within the IndieGala website:  Account Email (on Left) or "Menu" on Mobile< My Libraries< Bundles Library< IndieGala Giveaways.


Beast Blaster, Zombie Boom, and Cyborg Detonator Bundle Discussion: 3

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