Fallout 4 Free Weekend


This is your chance to try Fallout 4 for free! This offer ends in 3 days!

Instructions: Click the button to open the official page, and install the game. Easy right?! 

Please note you can not keep the game in your library after the weekend. Have fun!


Fallout 4 Free Weekend Discussion: 26

  1. Hah, do they rl need sellout on this joke, sorry but fallout 4 is (after fallout 3) worst part of the series, also 3 days gives me no experience in game…if You rl wanna give me a “chance” release fallout new vegas or fallout 2 keys, have a nice day

  2. Just to let people who don’t read the description: Instructions: Click the button to open the official page, and install the game. Easy right?!

    Please note you can not keep the game in your library after the weekend. Have fun!

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