Do yo want a Free game? Don't go any further! Beacuse now, you can get 3! This giveaway hosted by Key Champions, and they want to give to you guys 10.000x Free Keys!
Note: All 3 games comes with Trading cards! That is awesome!
This giveaway requires a Steam account, a Twitter account and a Facebook account.
First of all, you have to sing in to the site with your Staem Account.
After that, you have to do tasks in order to get your key! First, you have to Follow the Key Champions curator.
Then, you have to follow the Key Champions twitter page.
Then, You have to like the Key Champions Facebook page.
And the last task is you have to Join the Key Champions Steam Group.
Then, just click on the "Claim your key" button. With high chance, you will be get the "Error 500" page. Don't worry!
Simply just go back to the previous page, and the key will be there! Enjoy your key!
This pack contains:
- GooCubelets
- GooCubelets 2
- GooCubelets: The Algoorithm
Free 3 Steam Games! Discussion: 11 give me key ark survival evolved or rust please send me pls
i need rust key plis
Necesito una llabe de CSGO pliss
I need CSGO key plz
anyone give me a terraria key? PLZ
Would like to get one if you don’t mind 🙂
Ecxelente recommended 100%
Doesn’t work. When i click verify on last step they send me on their steam group like i didn’t entered. But i entered the group..
just go back, and verify again. This happened with me too