GetKeys is giving away copies of A Goo Adventure, claim your key before they run out!
Game description: A Goo Adventure is a physics puzzle plat-former where you will play in multiple worlds, buying skills and items to help you complete your quest
GetKeys is giving away copies of A Goo Adventure, claim your key before they run out!
Game description: A Goo Adventure is a physics puzzle plat-former where you will play in multiple worlds, buying skills and items to help you complete your quest
Free A Goo Adventure Discussion: 12
Restocked, +100 keys!
fucking tiwtch folow step ddidnt work
why i cant do the step of twitch, i follow on twitch but it doesn’t work ._.
wait some minutes and try again
yt sub dont work very well
veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slow =/
Thank you! I got it!
thank you