Indiegala is giving away copies of Absconding Zatwor, claim your key before they run out!
Note: It includes other games, Break Into Zatwor, Fiends of Imprisonment and They Came From The Moon.
Game description: Absconding Zatwor is a stealth 2D game where an innocent man, Randy Crow, is put in prisonfor a crime he did not commit. Your mission is to escape from Zatwor prison and prove his innocence.
Free Absconding Zatwor Discussion: 12
this is the worst game i have ever seen in my life
Enjoy 6JELD-0NCM3-VA5J? ?=Z
Steam has removed all those zonitron games from steam and removed devs also its trading cards are useless which gives 2 gems and you can’t sell it, don’t waste your time.I don’t understand why indiegala doing this.
its free why are you angry ?
its not claim game for make money dude
Firstly i’m not angry, secondly it’s a bad game,play flash games instead of this.Lastly read this : then we’ll talk again
give them whose still need the game, why u so mad
I got gunspell game website not sure if there are anymore