Free Arcane Double Pack! (Steam Level 1+ Required)


Now you can get 2 games with 1 giveaway from! This is a very good chance to extend your Steam Library! Go, and grab one of the 10.000x Free Keys now!

You Will Get:

- Arcane preRaise - Deluxe Edition

- Arcane reRaise - Deluxe Edition


This giveaway requires an extension to be installed to your browser, and a Steam account.


Free Arcane Double Pack! (Steam Level 1+ Required) Discussion: 10

  1. This giveaway need to install browser extention. I think this extention can steel your data, passwords, logins and etc. and send it to creators of this extention. Maybe no but maybe.

  2. Yeah! Completing the colletion. This one gives Arcane PreRaise and Arcane ReRaise. I also have Occult preRaise and Occult Raise.
    Is even there an Arcane Raise? Is there an Occult ReRaise? We need all of ’em

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