Free Batch 17 Alpha! (Read The Description!)


Baffled Media published the closed alpha today, and those who signed up in the past, now can get their own key by entering and verifying their e-mail adress! And don't lose hope, New Members! You can still go, and sign up for later alpha/beta tests!

Game Info:

- Not Out Yet, this is an Alpha Key

- Has Achievements

- No Trading Cards


This giveaway requires an existing e-mail address.


Game Descripiton: Batch 17 is a story focused, online multiplayer third person shooter with Campaign, PVP and Coop.


Free Batch 17 Alpha! (Read The Description!) Discussion: 5

  1. Seems that closed alpha signup has ended.
    “This is a closed alpha and you must have registered beforehand in order to play. If you did enter in time please validate your email below.”

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