Free Batch 17! (Alpha)


If you want a Free Batch 17 Alpha Steam Key, just go to the page and sign up for the list! You will get your key soon!

Game Info:

- Not Out Yet

- Has Achievements

- No Trading Cards



Game Descripiton: Batch 17 is a story focused, online multiplayer third person shooter with Campaign, PVP and Coop.


Free Batch 17! (Alpha) Discussion: 16

  1. Hello everyone! This is Ben McCallister – Owner of Baffledmedia and creator of Batch 17. I have no idea how our little sign up found its way to this site but its been a tremendous surprising success!
    As such – I want to assure everyone that this will be for a valid steam key for the Batch 17 PVP Game on Steam. If anyone has any questions about the game, or has a problem getting their confirmation, let me know and I or someone from my team will help out.
    Thank you guys for all the interest and we hope to see you in our live alpha this weekend!

  2. Hello everyone! This is Ben McCallister – Owner of Baffledmedia and creator of Batch 17. I have no idea how our little sign up found its way to this site but its been a tremendous surprising success!

    As such – I want to assure everyone that this will be for a valid steam key for the Batch 17 PVP Game on Steam. If anyone has any questions about the game, or has a problem getting their confirmation, let me know and I or someone from my team will help out.

    Thank you guys for all the interest and we hope to see you in our live alpha this weekend!

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