IndieGala is here,with an another giveaway! But this time they want to give to you 3 games instead of 1! Get them for Free now!
Note: All 3 games comes with Trading Cards! That's like 9 cards at least!
First of all, you have to make an IndieGala acccount, if you don't have any yet.
Then, click on the little "X" in the top-right corner.
Click on the red "Claim Free Copy" button, and if you haven't reedemed this game from this site already, you get a Free Key!
After you got your key, you have to reedem it. For this, you have to click on your email address on the left side of the page.
Choose the "My Libraries" option, and you wll be redireted to an another page.
Here, you have to choose the "BUNDLES LIBRARY" option, and in it, the "IndieGala Giveaways" option.
It's a Drop-down menu, and you can find all of the Free Games, that you reedemed.
After that, click on the game name (Fiends of Inprisonment), and click on the button " Reedem on Steam". And there you go! Enjoy your Free Game!
Free Fiends of Imprisonment + Absconding Zatwor + Break Into Zatwor! Discussion: 3
Ty !
keys PABRP-DD35W-A20MM