WARNING: The base game is Free, and you will need it in order to be able to activate the code!
Get in those heavy metal machines! AlienWare Arena is giving away 10.000x Free codes to this Free To Play Game!
You can download the Base Game for Free from HERE!
Game Description: Enter the post-apocalyptic world of Heavy Metal Machines, an ONLINE and FREE MULTIPLAYER game that unites action, car-chases, and battles in an extremely competitive setting. Meet our Metal City and all our characters in this game that is much more than a MOBA.
Free Heavy Metal Machines: Pilot Pack! Discussion: 16
All out! There are no more keys left in this giveaway
NOT expired
its ingame content. it wont count as +1
All out
nope, still 8500 to go
Just use VPN fake IP
Just got one myself. The GA said there were still 9000+ keys left as well.
did you log in?
i get one literally one minute ago
For me, there is still 9.800 keys left. I don’t really know the source of the problem 🙁
need to use vpn
no more?
8500keys left when i’m posting
No more keys left