Free Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West


Fatshark is giving away free steam keys for Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West! Grab you key now!

Instructions: Click the green button to open the giveaway, and follow the steps.

About this Steam game: Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West is a third-person shooter that delivers an intense team-based multiplayer experience.


Free Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West Discussion: 154

  1. Задолбали эти шпионы! То им акк от Твитера то от Фейсбука дай. Хер Вам уроды! Если только левака подсунуть Вам говнюки.

    1. After u enter the task page.. Click on the mail icon above the the tasks (it’s a small icon.. Just above the first task).. U will find the email which u use to participate.. U need to check the mailbox of that email..try it and tell me

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