If you want a Free Steam Key, it's your time now! Grab one key for Free out of the 2.000x copies now! This giveaway hosted by GiveAway.su.
Note: This game comes with Trading Cards!
This giveaway requires an extension to be installed to your browser and a Steam Account.
First of all, install This extension. Then, you have to log in with your Steam Account.
When you're in, you have to do various tasks. First of all join these 2 Steam Groups: GiveAway.su and GameTest. Click on the green "Join group" button.
After this, you need to add 2 games to your wishlist and you also have to follow these: Hell Quest and Ballistic Attack. Just click on the 'Add to wishlist" button and the "Follow" button, under the gallery.
Then, you have to follow GameTest curator page. Click on the green "follow" button.
After all of these you have to check 2 websites.
If you're done, click on the "Grab key" button, fill the captcha, and here you go! There is your Free Key! Enjoy!
Game Description: Tired of shooters and survivors? Rest and mash the brain with a logical game three in a row. The game will be interesting not only to boys and girls, but also to their parents. A lot of levels, from light to hard. Mad Muzzles will be remembered to you and leave a pleasant impression for a long time.
Free Mad Muzzles! Discussion: 3
Please Restock it i just saw the giveaway