is here with an another giveaway, just for you! Do you want it? Then grab a Free Key now!
Note: This game comes with Trading Cards!
This giveaway requires an extension to be installed to your browser, a Steam account, a VK account and a Twitter account.
First of all, you have to install their extension, and log in with your Steam account.
Then you should do various steps, before you can get access to your Steam Key.
- Join 2 Steam Groups (Green "Join Group" button on the group page)
- Follow 1 Steam Curator (Green "Follow" button on the curators page)
- Join VK group, like and share a post on VK
- Follow Twitter page
If you are done with all of these, fill the captcha, and here ya go! Your Free Key is right there!
Game Description: Welcome to the territory of the lands of Gedeo.
Free MontaSayer! Discussion: 11
NO, I CAN´T BELIVE THIS, this is the second time i miss this game WTF!! is something normal? YES OF COURSE, But….. I LOVE THE GAME AND I CAN´T BELIVE ANY TIME I FORGET TO COME TO THE PAGE IS SEE ITTTT MontaSayer! anddddd EXPIRED!!! EPIC 😀 EPIC !! >:D
restock plzzzz
I have a key of who needs
hey, @gouki25 i want 🙂
still have one?
yes ^^
can you give one
ok key MontaSayer: 8W759-JGM5C-RDX4L
can u give me?
expired, f*ck