Spoune is giving away keys for Playing History - The Plaque now! Be fast and grab yours
Complete the 3 tasks to unlock your key!Spoune is giving away keys for Playing History - The Plaque now! Be fast and grab yours
Complete the 3 tasks to unlock your key!
Free Playing History – The Plaque Discussion: 19
Thanks for the post!
could not by verified. Make sure, your Steamprofile is public!
Actually, I just realized I already have this game. Eff this ess
could u tell me how did u fix the probleme ??
I did not fix the problem. I gave up
How do I do it public?
Anyone else having a problem for the Verify button just is gone.. like nothing there, when you add to group?
Have a problem on first task “could not by verified. Make sure, your Steamprofile is public!”
me too
How do I do it public?
Go to your profile. Click Edit Profile -> My Privacy Settings -> Change your “My Profile: ” to Public
Go to your profile. Click Edit Profile -> My Privacy Settings -> Change your “My Profile: ” to Public
me too
50 человек зашло на раздачу и сайт упал))) ох уж эти мразотные сайты))
Верно, но этот сайт просит вседоступный профиль для просмотра! А это уже причина обвинить их в шпионаже за пользователями. Они делают раздачи на основе содержимого инвентарей пользователей и подсовывают нам всем трояны в играх которых у нас нет, но основной интерес проверяют у кого что можно забрать взломав аккаунт. Я уе устал удалять их трояны из компьютера и большая часть попала из именно таких раздач.
LOOKS like this website have small problems bcs its not just me:
Aphelion G7 W tej chwili
could not by verified. Make sure, your Steamprofile is public!
DarkArms W tej chwili
could not by verified. Make sure, your Steamprofile is public!
Demo Girl W tej chwili
Would be nice if was verified
PsiClone W tej chwili
could not by verified. Make sure, your Steam profile is public!
HeutenCZ W tej chwili
could not by verified. Make sure, your Steamprofile is public!
ImpostoR W tej chwili
could not by verified. Make sure, your Steamprofile is public!
AWW, i cant verify 2 group joining i got steam level 10 and public acc i log in with…