Free REED!

Giveaway hosted by Key Champions.

Note: The site is veeeeeeeeeeery slow and buggy right now, so please be very patient!

Reed - is a small creature, the latest creation of the old supercomputer. Old supercomputer dies, he has lost all of the cubes and he began to slow down... Without a supercomputer, around the game world will come to an end. Can you help him?...


Free REED! Discussion: 41

  1. I did all tasks for REED game key giveaway, but the site was too laggy, and I kept clicking on that button to get my key, but after few minutes around 15 to 35 minutes trying to get the key, I found it ended. So can anyone send me a key please, Thanks a lot.

  2. just because they have been experiencing difficulties with their site once does not mean that they do not deserve to be promoted here so if you are unsatisfied with this just step away and wait for a better offer – I have been persistent and got my key

    1. You are not no one to say that. I got my key after 10 minutes refreshing the site. If you are not a patient guy, please step away from any KeyChampion’s giveaway

      1. Я выполнил все задания и когда надо было получить ключ, сайт стал зависать, а потом сайт отключился и я не получил ключ. Ты не можешь понять тех, кому не повезло.

      2. I completed all the tasks and when I had to get the key, the site began to hang, and then the site disconnected and I did not receive the key. You can not understand those who are unlucky. That page (keychampions) don’t deserve to be promoted here.

        1. I really understand your point of view, trust me. But, you have to learn something about only shares giveaways from external sites. If at least one people gets a key, the giveaway will be posted. Now, you have to check this site constantly. No one is guilty because you came late. I got my key, and you didn’t. Do you know why? Because you came late. Please, do not tell what to do. Good luck next time and happy gaming

              1. mtnguajardo is right and I completely agree with him on this one – its as if you were asking a girl who is already married out on a date but she is already taken which means that you have missed your opportunity while you had the chance to grab her for yourself so hopefully you come in just in time and don’t have to display your disappointment in such a neanderthal way in the future

                1. It’s completely wrong, because in the case of a girl this is not a bad site that slows down and turns off and does not warn that there are no more keys. You do not understand either. You have a wrong analogy

  3. I appreciate free keys and all, but if you have to work this hard to get it, it’s not free. 30 minutes of F5 and still nothing for a game that probably costs less than $1. Thanks, but no thanks.

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