DLH is giving away copies of Septerra Core!
Register or login on the site. (Logging in through Facebook is fastest.)
Go to the Steam Keys page, then click the Like button.
Click the 'Get your Steam Game here' button.
A window with Captcha will appear, you have to click the described square.
Note: Disable any ADBlocker / Allow pop-ups.
Game description: At the very heart of Septerra lies the Core, a huge Biocomputer. Seven continents at different elevations, each with its own unique people and culture, orbit around the Core.According to an ancient prophecy, Septerra's continents will one day converge and join in orbit together on one level - this is the Legacy of Marduk, the Creator's...
Free Septerra Core Discussion: 11
I like pages…don’t get any button to get the game. Seems like a scam to me.
Error 543
The origin web server is not available
Scam. Even using crappy internet explorer that has no adblock and allowing popups will not work. there’s no ‘get your steam game here’ button. Scam to get free likes with no payouts.
Thank you.
i cant get the the key 🙁
does not work to connect through facebook