Hosted by CY Bundle.
Pay attention to the guide and you will get these games!
Note: Can be slow, so be patient and you will get the key.
Hosted by CY Bundle.
Pay attention to the guide and you will get these games!
Note: Can be slow, so be patient and you will get the key.
Free Shape Shifter + Star Drifter + Stellar 2D Discussion: 62
what is this even mean ??
is it over?
got it! thanks for guide
i got 3 keys thanks for posting this and making the guide @VonSchuttgart
It finally works
This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
this site is so shit, redirecting to other sites. china fuck off!
This site can’t be reached
stupid chinese site
此邮箱未被绑定注册。This mailbox is not bound to register.
i cant singup : This mailbox is already taken !!
Thanks for the post 🙂
Sadly, the verification email doesn’t arrive..but maybe just slow..
site down
Jebem ti majku djecu familiju citavu i na kraju taj sajt usrani posrani glibavi!!!
Esta página no funciona
La página no puede procesar esta solicitud ahora.
Que hago?
Site very slow, says that my email has already been used and gives many errors, worse website I have ever seen in my life
网站异常 ^_^!!
so i got to the registration page (idk how) BUT it said i already registered my mail. so i went to the forgot password option BUT it said this mail is not registered %)
Pues gracias :P, igual, para cualquiera que lo quiera hacer, la confirmacion del correo electronico no es obligatoria
Wow alguien que habla español, y pensaba que era el unico :V
Vaya :V
shit site
Fucking cancer site
I am not getting the link to check my email, can anyone help me?
come on help me
Follow the tutorial and it’ll do you good.
Also, thanks! : )
got first 3 games, rest of all games looks like expired
im being redirected to when i press to register in tutorial
yeah, me too =/
can’t even register, endless loading
I’m not getting a verification e-mail
thank you <3 ,at least not wasting my time learning 3 year chinese language ,finally can use it in real time
i love to see the struggle ^^
what shit wouldn’t we do for free games –‘
Ty <3
Chinese site is a real shit, equal to the country’s government!
i got lot of chinese friend in school and they real good ,simple if u hate chinese ,pls dun get the free games from their site ,u wan shit site -embolo and will easily be number one
Got all of them, thanks!
i already join that group
Thank you, I got my keys!
Ty Three games with trading cards
cancer chinese site
I’m not getting a verification e-mail, and I’m not seeing the links shown in the tutorial after the part where it says “click the blue words to check the email again”.
Von can you please stop linking retarded sites
Yeah… :/
Jajaja, me hacen reír.
Von, You’re The Best! ^_^
help pls xd
Even God can not help you on a Chinese site. :'(
i translate it and it says this Star Drifter
Has been converted into a bag point
You have changed the game for store points, so you have lost the game. Create an account and do it all again if you want to get the game back, it happened to me too.
i got some retard message instead of key what to do?
endless loading when registring
Nice Ty