HRK is giving away copies of Solar Flux, claim your key before they run out!
Notes: A VPN may be needed.
After login, Menu: Giveaways –> Free Giveaways
You can’t take the game twice with the same IP or with the same account.
Game description: Travel across the universe and save dying suns from extinction in this unique and challenging puzzle strategy game. You are the last hope to bring salvation to a perishing universe as you collect and deliver fragments of plasma using your omni-directional ship.
Free Solar Flux Discussion: 19
Siempre me funciona con Finlandia.
This page is currently unavailable in your region.
Esta página no está disponible actualmente en su región.
Fck this shit HRK site. This page is currently unavailable in your region.
vpn use Switzerland it worked for me
I redeemed the game without vpn and i am from italy
what a region for vpn?
Whaat? I was completing the tasks and then suddenly “Oooooops
At the moment, there are no available free games. Please try again on our next giveaways.”
Cette page n’est pas encore disponible dans votre région.
Fu*k HRK.
Thank you!
ty!!!!!!! <3
No se puede aun con el vpn y probe muchos paises y anda 🙁 GG