is here to give away a bunch of Free Steam Keys,right now! Go, and get one now!
Game Info:
- Mixed Reviews
- Has Achievements
- Has Trading Cards
This giveaway requires an extension to be installed to your browser and a Steam account.
Game Descripiton: Hit and destroy Stick-man's at incredible locations. But do not think that everything is so simple...
Free Stickman Wars! Discussion: 30
Attention! This giveaway has ended.
Give me key pliz
Any arabic guys here ?
Dude, she is just a cam girl bot. She will try to get you to sign up for some shady streaming site
this site should be banned from here along with marvelousga. All these fuckers give aways require steam level 6 or 7+ and you even need to install an app, and the most frustrating thing is you do all the tasks they want and they tell you need level 7+
marvelousga shouldn’t be banned. I have a fake profile lvl 0 just for giveaways and I never had any problem. They just do shit giveaways, with shit repeated games without cards.
fuck you Attention! This giveaway has ended.
yeah , been a hour and i can’t believe how 2500 keys gone that fast. Fucking Ninjas
key x :c
bullshit website, they want you to install app and force you to do 10 tasks and even require level 7 on steam.. shit
que mierda
key :v
Piss off
but no trading card i think
Go away
has tradin cards ? are u sur ?
what this
An error occurred while checking level of your Steam account. Please make sure your account has appropriate level to participate in this giveaway.
Give me 1 steam key
Thank you so much!
give me pls
Get your own bloody key
Scam I press the button to tick it as completed and I am in the group and it never ticks it I never got anuy keys from this website
ty thats what i need