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Remember that we are here for you so if you have any problems just simply type to Misty on Gamehag.
Of course dont forget about our other giveaways to get more free games!
Have fun,
Gamehag team.
This giveaway requires accounts on following sites:
Steam (at least lvl 5), Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Gamehag.
Free Suicide Simulator (Steam Level 5+ Required) Discussion: 32
not working.. the group not accept me
it asking for facebook share about, and the other problems is: i can’t get join to one of the groups.
I have level 5 and i not got the game
What i do
nao gonsigo pegar a chave falar para eu ativar a conta como faço isso?
why play this game? when you can do it in real life! 10/10 would do later
I’ve been trying to get my account activated from this site for several months. They just never send me the activation email.
pls key guys
Thank you very much. This game was on my wishlist since 😀
Trash giveaway as usual…
i cant I am trying 5 times to activate my profile but still fails.I enter my email my password and steam url and get the message I joined but when I try to pick up the game it say I did not activate my profile
Once again I am unable to publish on facebook, plz help me
hey gamehag i completed all the stuff but im level 4 can you send me one please?
The third task doesn’t work for me. I just see nothing at publishing
Share publicly does not work for me
Retweet no works for me
And following twitter profile works? Did you retweet for sure?
Following work, Retweet it´s done but no works
joining steam group verifing is not working
Is your steam account public?
Can you please give us your gh nickname?
all tasks has been cheked but tasks didn’t get cheked
Why early today guys?
Surprise 😛
Tomorrow going back to normal hour?
Thank you so much, Gamehag!
We’re wondering, if you have gained keys from ALL of our ga’s? 🙂
Interesting giveaway, thanks
joining steam groups cant complete