Free The Thirst of Hearts

WGN is giving away copies of The Thirst of Hearts, claim your copy before they run out!

Note: Can be slow, be patient and you will get the key. It's a Restock, you can't take a new key if you already did it before with the same account / IP.

Game description: To pass each level you can in several ways that differ in complexity and number of hearts which you can collect by walking along the selected route. You do not have to collect all the hearts to complete the level, but it is necessary to complete the entire game.


Free The Thirst of Hearts Discussion: 15

  1. For those who have the error “This promotion is only valid for 1 entry per household” even taking the key for the first time, simply use a vpn with ip USA and reload page.Ai do all the steps and get the key.I used the vpn imbutidas no opera and went without problem

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