H1Z1 is now Free To Play Discussion: 28

    1. Don’t support these devs. They are the worse. H1Z1 was a kickstarter game years ago. They then split it into two games. H1Z1:Just survive and H1Z1 : king of the kill and went back into early access.. Then they renamed them again and went back into early access as Just surive and H1Z1. Now H1z1 is f2p and they will probably split just survive again. They have milked the one unfinished game for years and years by renaming it and splitting it into two games repeatedly. Fuq these devs. They still haven;t rewarded their kickstarter backers. They are scammers.

        1. ..and what if they have done that? Really? Did you back the original development or pay for any of the several versions of the same game they have yet to finish for years now?
          They aren’t trying to fix or improve anything. They aren’t trying to fix any mistakes. They are doing the same thing they have always done. Make the game paid, rename it, make it f2p, split it, make them paid, rename them then make it f2p again. That way they make money as a new game and avoid having to give what their backers have paid for. Unfinished project that never leave early access.
          They are dodgy and you sound like a kid trying to defend that crap. The end.

  1. Finally it went F2P 🙂 The game devs are really trying to improve and fix what they messed up in the past and this will definitely help the game! Everyone download and support this game.

    PS: I will love killing all those new players :)))))

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