WARNING: This is an ingame item, not a Steam Key! You have to download the game in order to activate this key, but the base game is Free and can be downloaded from HERE!
Alienware Arena is here to give to you guys and girls some nice Free in-game codes! Go, get on, download the game and acivate it!
Key Contains:
- Sponsorship Contract
- Caddie Contract
- 3-Slot Golf Bag
When you are on the giveaway page, at the left side of the screen there is a guide to "How to Reedem", bu that is the non steam guideance. Just simply download the game from Steam instead of the client page.
And with the ARP levels... Create your profile (if you haven't already) and go to THIS page. HEre they tell you how you can boost your ARP level.
Game Description: Join the ultimate free-to-play PC golf experience. Perfect your golf game across nine beautiful courses. Play with friends worldwide anytime, anywhere.
[IN-GAME] Free Winning Putt: Starter Pack! (ARP Member Level 2+ Required!) Discussion: 5
need 2 lvl acc
what is keys ??
All out! There are no more keys left in this giveaway!
you f/uck’n liar c/unt