Play The Elder Scrolls Online for free this week! All new accounts will be given Free 500 crowns for use in the in-game store.
The Elder Scrolls Online Free to Play event will begin on November 30 and run until December 6. You can download and play for free via Steam.
Players will also be able to take part in dungeon events that will award mysterious reward boxes and entries for sweepstakes.
The Elder Scrolls Online Free Week! Discussion: 17
key hic hic
Pls Give Me A Code.
steam code plzzzzz
pls steam code now.
the steam code plz
great game
gjwp awsome
i download the game in 2 hour whit 9..10 mega sec
xD 81GB
81GB for me is 19 days and 13 hours to download :/
for me is 27 days, almost a month
For me is 5-4 hours.
mY 40 minutes 300 M SimetriC